Welcome to Quill Desktop’s documentation!

Quill is an open-source handwriting note-taking app for Android tablets. This program is a desktop companion for it. It lets you view .quill backup files without your Android device, and/or convert them to different formats.

If you are looking for Quill the Android app:

Use as a GUI Viewer

This program is as PyGTK application, so it will run on pretty much any platform if you have GTK, PyGTK, and PyCairo installed. Use the --gui switch to show the graphical user interface.


[user@localhost]$ quill --gui
Sceenshot of the GUI

Use as a Command-Line Converter

If you specify input and output filename. The format is automatically detected from the file extension.


[user@localhost]$ quill input.quill output.pdf

Possible input file formats are:

Possible output file formats are:

  • output.pdf: portable document format (PDF)
  • output.ps: Postscript (PS)
  • output.svg: scalable vector graphics (SVG)
  • output.xoj: Xournal’s file format
  • output.quill: Quill’s own file format

Programmers Guide

Want to add support for your favorite file format? Head over to the Programmers Guide and find out how!


  • Volker Braun: Framework, GUI, more export file formats.
  • Nicholas A. Knouf (http://zeitkunst.org): Initial quill to SVG converter.
  • Yuri Shirman: Xournal export


GPL v3

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